Middy Context

MiddyNet offers you a context with additional information you can use in your lambda function. This context has the following properties.


An object implementing ILambdaContext with additional information provided by AWS. You can read about it here.


A Dictionary<string, object> filled with the information that the different middlewares want to add to it. For example, the SSMMiddleware will add there the secrets gotten from SSM.


There are 4 properties and a method related to exceptions:

  • List<Exception> MiddlewareBeforeExceptions { get; }, Middleare with the exceptions thrown by the middlewares’ *Before method.
  • Exception HandlerException { get; set; }, with the exception thrown by the custom handler’s Handle method.
  • List<Exception> MiddlewareAfterExceptions { get; }, with the exceptions thrown by the middlewares’ After method.
  • bool HasExceptions { get; }, which tells if there are any exceptions in the aforementioned properties
  • List<Exception> GetAllExceptions(), which returns the exceptions in the three properties as a single list, in the same order as they happened.

You may want to check whether any exceptions occured before proceeding with your custom logic in the handler like so:

if (context.HasExceptions)
// do stuff… context.MiddlewareBeforeExceptions.Clear();


This will prevent those exceptions to be returned at the end of the pipeline processing.


An object of type MiddyLogger to allow you to log structured logs. It uses the ILambdaLogger provided by AWS internally. See more information about the /logger.