Existing NuGet packages

There are a bunch of NuGet packages available for you to use.


This is a quite independent package that you can use on its own. It has an implementation of the TraceContext as described here.

The actual implementation has the following logic: * If the traceparent header is not valid, it recreates the entire header and resets the tracestate one too. We define valid as:

  • It has 4 parts separated by hyphens
  • The version part is two characters long
  • The trace-id part is 32 characters long
  • The parent-id part is 16 characters long
  • The flags part is 2 characters long
  • If the traceparent header is valid, it modifies the parent-id part with a new value.
  • If the traceparent header is valid, it propagate whatever there is in the tracestate header.


This is another package that is quite independent. It contains extension methods to add the information of the TraceContext object from Voxel.MiddyNet.Tracing.Core to an SNS message via MessageAttributes.

You can use this package inside a Lambda function or from any place, to send the TraceContext information in a way that MiddyNet will be able to read using a middleware.


This is another package that is quite independent. It contains extension methods to add the information of the TraceContext object from Voxel.MiddyNet.Tracing.Core to an HttpRequestMessage via Headers.

You can use this package inside a Lambda function or from any place, to send the TraceContext information in a way that MiddyNet will be able to read using a middleware.


This is the main package. You need to add it to your project if you want to use MiddyNet.


This package contains a middleware that reads the TraceContext information from the MessageAttributes of an SNS event and enriches the MiddyLogger with them, so that your logs will have it and it will be easier to correlate them.

The logs will have a property for traceparent, another one for tracestate, and another one for trace-id.

Sample code

A typical use of the middelware will look like this:

public class MySample : MiddyNet<SNSEvent, int>
    public MySample()
        Use(new SNSTracingMiddleware<int>());

    protected override async Task<int> Handle(SNSEvent snsEvent, MiddyNetContext context)
        context.Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "hello world");

        // Do stuff

        return Task.FromResult(0);


This package contains a middleware that reads the TraceContext information from the MessageAttributes of an SQS event and enriches the MiddyLogger with them, so that your logs will have it and it will be easier to correlate them.

The logs will have a property for traceparent, another one for tracestate, and another one for trace-id.

Sample code

A typical use of the middelware will look like this:

public class MySample : MiddyNet<SQSEvent, int>
    public MySample()
        Use(new SQSTracingMiddleware<int>());

    protected override async Task<int> Handle(SQSEvent sqsEvent, MiddyNetContext context)
        context.Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "hello world");

        // Do stuff

        return Task.FromResult(0);


This package contains a middleware that reads the TraceContext information from the traceparent and tracestate headers of an APIGatewayProxyRequest or an APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyRequest and enriches the MiddyLogger with them, so that your logs will have it and it will be easier to correlate them.

The logs will have a property for traceparent, another one for tracestate, and another one for trace-id.

In addition, the MiddyNetContext is enriched with a new entry in the AdditionalContext collection that contains a TraceContext object.

This TraceContext object provides a MutateParentId method that can be used to obtain a traceparent with the same Version, TraceId, and TraceFlags but with a new ParentId that can be used to call other systems, as recommended by W3C.

Sample code

A typical use of the middleware for APIGateway will look like this:

public class MySample : MiddyNet<APIGatewayProxyRequest, APIGatewayProxyResponse>
    public MySample()
        Use(new ApiGatewayTracingMiddleware<APIGatewayProxyResponse>());

    protected override async Task<APIGatewayProxyResponse> Handle(APIGatewayProxyRequest apiEvent, MiddyNetContext context)
        //This log is enriched with the tracing information received in the headers of the request
        context.Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Function called.");

        //If you need to call another system, you need to obtain a traceparent based on the original traceparent
        //received but with the ParentId changed
        var currentTraceContext = (TraceContext)context.AdditionalContext[ApiGatewayTracingMiddleware.TraceContextKey];
        var newTraceContext = TraceContext.MutateParentId(currentTraceContext);

        //Now you can use this newTraceContext in your calls
        var traceparentForCallingAnotherSystem = newTraceContext.TraceParent;
        var tracestateForCallingAnotherSystem = newTraceContext.TraceState;

        return Task.FromResult(new APIGatewayProxyResponse
            StatusCode = 200,
            Body = "Ok"

and for APIGatewayHttpV2Api will look like this:

public class ApiGatewayHttpApiV2Tracing : MiddyNet<APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyRequest, APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse>
    public ApiGatewayHttpApiV2Tracing()
        Use(new ApiGatewayHttpApiV2TracingMiddleware());

    protected override Task<APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse> Handle(APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyRequest proxyRequest, MiddyNetContext context)
        //This log is enriched with the tracing information received in the headers of the request
        context.Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Function called.");

        //If you need to call another system, you need to obtain a traceparent based on the original traceparent
        //received but with the ParentId changed
        var currentTraceContext = (TraceContext)context.AdditionalContext[ApiGatewayHttpApiV2TracingMiddleware.TraceContextKey];
        var newTraceContext = TraceContext.MutateParentId(currentTraceContext);

        //Now you can use this newTraceContext in your calls
        var traceparentForCallingAnotherSystem = newTraceContext.TraceParent;
        var tracestateForCallingAnotherSystem = newTraceContext.TraceState;

        return Task.FromResult(new APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse
            StatusCode = 200,
            Body = "Ok"


This package contains a middleware that allows you to retrieve secrets from Parameter Store. It also allows you to cache them to minimise the calls to Parameter Store.


You need to pass a SSMOptions object in the constructor with the following properties: * CacheExpiryInMillis: number of milliseconds that the middleware will cache the parameter. During this time, it won’t go again to ParameterStore to read the parameter. * ParametersToGet: a list of SSMParameterToGet. Each SSMParameterToGet has two properties:

  • Name: Name of the parameter in the lambda function. You will use this name later to access the value of the parameter inside your lambda function.
  • Path: Path of the parameter in ParameterStore

The middleware will store the values of the parameters in the AdditionalContext of the MiddyContext. It will add a property there for each parameter. The key of the property will be the name of the parameter.

Sample code

A typical configuration and use of the middelware will look like this:

public class MySSMSample : MiddyNet<SNSEvent, int>
    private const string Param1Name = "Param1Name";
    private const string Param2Name = "Param2Name";

    public MySSMSample()
        var param1Path = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("param1Path");
        var param2Path = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("param2Path");

        var options = new SSMOptions
            ParametersToGet = new List<SSMParameterToGet>
                new SSMParameterToGet(Param1Name, param1Path),
                new SSMParameterToGet(Param2Name, param2Path)

        Use(new SSMMiddleware<SNSEvent, int>(options));

    protected override async Task<int> Handle(SNSEvent snsEvent, MiddyNetContext context)
        var param1Value = context.AdditionalContext[Param1Name].ToString();
        var param2Value = context.AdditionalContext[Param2Name].ToString();

        // Do stuff

        return Task.FromResult(0);


This package contains a middleware that allows you to set the CORS headers in the response. There are two versions avalaible:

  • One for REST Api (APIGatewayProxyRequest and APIGatewayProxyResponse).
  • And another for Http Api (APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyRequest and APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse).


You can pass a CorsOptions object in the constructor with the following properties (all of them optional):

  • Origin: origin to put in the header (default: “*”)
  • Origins: an array of allowed origins. The incoming origin is matched against the list and is returned if present.
  • Headers: value to put in Access-Control-Allow-Headers (default: null)
  • Credentials: if true, sets the Access-Control-Allow-Origin as request header Origin, if present (default false)
  • MaxAge: value to put in Access-Control-Max-Age header (default: null)
  • CacheControl: value to put in Cache-Control header on pre-flight (OPTIONS) requests (default: null)

Sample code

A typical use of the middelware will look like this for Rest API:

public class MySample : MiddyNet<APIGatewayProxyRequest, APIGatewayProxyResponse>
    public MySample()
        Use(new HttpCorsMiddleware(new CorsOptions{Origin = "http://example.com"}));

    protected override async Task<APIGatewayProxyResponse> Handle(APIGatewayProxyRequest apiEvent, MiddyNetContext context)
        // Do stuff

        var result = new APIGatewayProxyResponse
            StatusCode = 200,
            Body = "hello from test"

        return Task.FromResult(result);

And like this for Http API:

public class MySample : MiddyNet<APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyRequest, APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse>
    public MySample()
        Use(new HttpV2CorsMiddleware(new CorsOptions{Origin = "http://example.com"}));

    protected override async Task<APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse> Handle(APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse apiEvent, MiddyNetContext context)
        // Do stuff

        var result = new APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse
            StatusCode = 200,
            Body = "hello from test"

        return Task.FromResult(result);


This package contains a middleware that parses a JSON to an object of an explicit type. There are two versions avalaible:

  • One for REST APIs (APIGatewayProxyRequest and APIGatewayProxyResponse).
  • One for HTTP APIs (APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyRequest and APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse).


When you use the middleware, You need to specify the type you want to convert the JSON object into. The middleware will put the object in the AdditionalContext[Constants.BodyContextKey] property. To access the object, you will need to perform an explicit cast of that property.

Sample code

A typical use of the middelware will look like this for Rest API:

public class MySample : MiddyNet<APIGatewayProxyRequest, APIGatewayProxyResponse>
    public MySample()
        Use(new HttpJsonBodyParserMiddleware<Foo>());

    protected override async Task<APIGatewayProxyResponse> Handle(APIGatewayProxyRequest apiEvent, MiddyNetContext context)
        var foo = ((Foo)context.AdditionalContext[Constants.BodyContextKey]);

        // Do stuff with foo

        var result = new APIGatewayProxyResponse
            StatusCode = 200,
            Body = "hello from test"

        return Task.FromResult(result);

And like this for Http API:

public class MySample : MiddyNet<APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyRequest, APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse>
    public MySample()
        Use(new HttpV2JsonBodyParserMiddleware<Foo>());

    protected override async Task<APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse> Handle(APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse apiEvent, MiddyNetContext context)
         var foo = ((Foo)context.AdditionalContext[Constants.BodyContextKey]);

        // Do stuff with typed foo

        var result = new APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse
            StatusCode = 200,
            Body = "hello from test"

        return Task.FromResult(result);


The middleware contained in this package formats Api exceptions as ProblemDetails following [RFC7807](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807).

There are two versions avalaible:

  • One for REST Api (APIGatewayProxyRequest and APIGatewayProxyResponse).
  • And another for Http Api (APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyRequest and APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse).


It can receive a ProblemDetailsMiddlewareOptions to specify mappings from a particular exception type to an Http status code. E.g:

var options = new ProblemDetailsMiddlewareOptions(); options.Map<NotImplementedException>(501)));

When a NotImplementedException is thrown, ProblemDetailsMiddleware will return the exception message with a 501 Http status code.

Sample code

A typical usage of the ProblemDetailsMiddleware for REST Api whould look something like:

public class ApiGatewayProblemDetails : MiddyNet<APIGatewayProxyRequest, APIGatewayProxyResponse> {

public ApiGatewayProblemDetails() {

Use(new ProblemDetailsMiddleware.ProblemDetailsMiddleware(new ProblemDetailsMiddlewareOptions().Map<NotImplementedException>(501)));


protected override Task<APIGatewayProxyResponse> Handle(APIGatewayProxyRequest lambdaEvent, MiddyNetContext context) {

throw new NotImplementedException(“this will be used in the problem details description”);



And for Http Api:

public class ApiGatewayProblemDetails : MiddyNet<APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyRequest, APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse> {

public ApiGatewayProblemDetails() {

Use(new ProblemDetailsMiddleware.ProblemDetailsMiddleware(new ProblemDetailsMiddlewareOptions().Map<NotImplementedException>(501)));


protected override Task<APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse> Handle(APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyRequest lambdaEvent, MiddyNetContext context) {

throw new NotImplementedException(“this will be used in the problem details description”);

