Getting started


MiddyNet is splited in different NuGet packages so that you only import what you really use. To start using it, add the main package to your AWS Lambda project:

dotnet package add Voxel.MiddyNet


The best way to organise your code when working with MiddyNet is to have a single file for each lambda function. Once you have that, you need to derive from MiddyNet<TReq,TRes>, where TReq is the type of the input event (SNS, SQS, etc) and TRes is the type of the result. If your function doesn’t have to return anything, we recommend you to use an int and return 0 from your function. At this moment we don’t offer a class with no return type.

MiddyNet does its work in a function called Handler. This is the function you will need to specify when configuring your lambda as your entry point. So, at this point, all your lambdas will have its own source file and all of them will expose the same method called Handler. Nice and easy.

MiddyNet will make you implement a function called Handle where you will need to put your code.

So, a minimum skeleton of your lambda function would be something like this:

public class MySQSLambdaFunction : MiddyNet<SQSEvent, int>
    public MySQSLambdaFunction()
        // Your own initializations
        // MiddyNet middleware definitions. More on that later.

    protected override Task<int> Handle(SQSEvent lambdaEvent, MiddyNetContext context)
        // Your business logic

        return Task.FromResult(0);